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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Low Carb Editor

Low carb diets, such as the ones promoted by Atkins and South Beach, are backed up by numerous studies which show that they both help people lose weight and promote healthy long term lifestyles. This site makes a low carb lifestyle easy by providing great recipes, tips, advice, and nutrition information on the low carb system.

My boyfriend began low carbing in June 2003. At the time he weighed over 300 pounds. He had been a high school athlete who continued eating like an athlete even though his office job was sedentary. Once he became a low carber, he dropped to 230 within six months. A few years later he went back to "poor eating" and regained most of the weight. With a renewed focus on low carb, he got down to 190. So we have experience with those "falling off the wagon" situations.

I began low carb with him in June 2003. I have both always been fairly active and also didn´t have the poor eating habits he did. I´m 5´6" and range around 130 pounds. When we began low carbing my range was more in the 140 area, so only slightly high. Now it stays between 125-130. I´m an example of someone who is fairly near their target and wants to use low carb to maintain that range.

We have hundreds of friends, family members, and online contacts who have successfully lost weight - and kept it off - by following a low carb lifestyle. We work with vegetarians, elderly people, young adults, busy mothers, athletes, people with disabilities, and probably every other situation you can imagine. We´ve seen success after success in a variety of environments. It comes down to the individual making the commitment to care for their body.

Each day must be a fresh, new focus on eating healthy foods. If you "diet" (temporarily) and then, when you reach your target weight, start eating poorly again, you´re going to gain weight again. We´ve seen that countless times. Low carb is not a "diet" - it´s a way of eating healthily every day. Eat healthy food, exercise moderately, and you will maintain a weight you enjoy.

Note that low carb is NOT a diet of "sacrifice". You´re always full and always eating delicious food! You can have filet mignon, lobster, asparagus, and delicious homemade ice cream. This is a diet of luxury and flavor.

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ASP Basic Introduction
by Lisa Shea
Interested in jazzing up your website? With ASP you can automate forms, create quizzes, build newsletter databases, run polls, develop message boards and much more!
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ASP Membership System Code
by Lisa Shea
ASP is perfect for designing a membership system for your website. You can let new members sign up, keep profile information for existing members, and give them access to restricted areas of your site.
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ASP Shopping Cart Code
by Lisa Shea
Just about every web site would like to make money. Using ASP, you can easily get up a shopping cart to sell subscriptions, books, crafts, and MUCH more.
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ASP SQL Database Coding
by Lisa Shea
If you are developing a website, a sql database can add incredible new functionality to every aspect of what you do. You can provide product lists, newsletter subscribes, and much more.
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Baking / Oven Low Carb Recipes
by Lisa Shea
Baking has been a traditional way of making food for thousands of years. These 28 recipes will get you started on the path of developing your own rich array of delicious, healthy baking recipes!
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Carb Charts - Low Carb Reference
by Lisa Shea
A must have reference guide for any low carber. Keep the carb counts of fruits, veggies, meats, alcoholic drinks and more at your fingertips.
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Carbon Footprint - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Knowing your carbon footprint is about knowing how much energy and pollution your daily activities cause to affect the Earth. If each of us watches over our carbon footprint numbers, together we can make our world a cleaner, healthier place to live.
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Cleaning Tips - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
There are so many basic cleaners that you can make which work wonderfully. You can create spray cleansers, window cleaners, stove-top scrubbers, and much more.
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Crockpot / Slow Cook Recipes
by Lisa Shea
This is the very first version of this slow-cook crockpot book. It currently has a starting set of 5 recipes in it. We slow cook all the time, so the question is what versions of recipes to put in here, out of those many options. Let us know!
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Electricity - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Electricity might seem like a perfectly clean, almost magical power source that flows smoothly out of little holes in our walls. However, behind the scenes, most electricity is created by burning coal, nuclear power, and other resources.
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First 2 Weeks - Low Carb Reference
by Lisa Shea
If you're getting started in low carb, or know someone who is, this is the book you need. Step by step instructions, background information, plus great recipes!
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Food and Drink - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Most of us have the need to eat food and drink water every day of our life. With the exception of fasts and other extraordinary situations, we each make decisions each day about what types of items we ingest to keep our body healthy. Make those choic
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Green Living Tips
by Lisa Shea
This FREE Green Living Tips ebook provides 67 pages of practical advice and easy ideas. Learn how to live a more green life, help the environment, and save money all at the same time!
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Grilling Low Carb Recipes
by Lisa Shea
Think beyond summertime! In our family we dig a path through the snow to get to the grill, and we grill food while the snow is falling around us. Grilling is just that special!
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Health and Beauty Recipes - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Many skin care products are easily made at home with eco-friendly materials and for a far cheaper price. Look into making your own facial masks, shampoos, and lotions. You will not only save money but will have healthier skin and a healthier environm
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Heating and Cooling - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Optimizing your heating and cooling systems is one of the most powerful things you can do in your quest to live a more green life. The amount of natural resources needlessly lost during heating and cooling can be mind boggling.
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Juicing / Smoothies Low Carb Recipes
by Lisa Shea
The philosophy of juicing and smoothies is to appreciate those natural flavors that exist all around us. Draw in the bounty of the nutrients and fiber that our world provides for our sustenance.
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Learning to Say NO and Say YES to Your Dreams!
by Lisa Shea
One of our most precious commodities we have is time. By saying NO to some things, it leaves us the time to say YES when the perfect thing comes along. This is really about saying YES to the things you dream about.
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Low Carb Beer Reviews
by Lisa Shea
Are you on a low carb diet but enjoy beer? Here's the perfect book to help you out! This guide provides reviews of 30 brands of beer along with serving information.
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Low Carb Restaurant Reviews
by Lisa Shea
Eating Out and Eating Healthy used to be two different things. However, you can actually find really healthy foods at just about any restaurant, if you are wise! Here are guidelines on many popular restaurants.
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Microwave Low Carb Recipes
by Lisa Shea
This cookbook contains tips, shopping lists, and 42 recipes for eating in a more healthy way. Every recipe requires only a microwave and a few minutes of your time. Invest in a healthier lifestyle for you and your family!
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Paper Recycling - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
One of the largest areas of waste in many households involves paper and printing. It's important to look into ways to minimize this influx, and to live a more green life.
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Quick No-Cook Low Carb Recipes
by Lisa Shea
This 120-page book on Quick No-Cook Low Carb Recipes features 45 recipes ranging from easy cheese-plate ideas that any college student can try to more advanced recipes like tuna tartare which require a few ingredients to assemble.
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Quotes - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Green living is not a one time activity. It’s a way of life. It’s a mantra. The more you make green living a part of every moment, the more mindful you will become of how your actions affect this earth we all call home.
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Quotes for Peace
by Lisa Shea
Enjoy this offering of fifty famous peace quotations. The peace quotes come from all areas of the world, all ages of history, and all walks of life. Perfect for finding inspiration each day.
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Recycle Everything - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Sure, you know that you recycle your cardboard boxes and paper, and that you recycle your glass bottles. Plastic comes with neatly organized numbers to help you know which way to sort them. That is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to recycli
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Reduce Stress Instantly
by Lisa Shea
These instant, use-immediately tips will help you reduce stress and regain calm.
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Room by Room - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Sometimes it’s easy to tackle tasks one room at a time. This ebook breaks out ideas for you based on the room of the house. That way if you’re doing an organizing effort in a specific area you can do some green activities at the same time!
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Secrets to Falling Asleep
by Lisa Shea
Are you having trouble falling asleep? Do you lay awake watching the clock? These tips will get you into the land of ZZZZs!
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Stovetop Low Carb Recipes
by Lisa Shea
While microwaves can seem convenient, they also tend to encourage us to zap unhealthy food and chow it down while watching TV or playing on our laptop. These 32 stove-top recipes will help you slow down, eat less, and create delicious, healthy food.
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Study Tips
by Lisa Shea
Life is a continual learning process. There are software programs to learn, systems to navigate, and relationship hurdles to figure out. These easy study tips will save you time and boost your learning!
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Time Management Course
by Lisa Shea
From Benjamin Franklin to Leonardo Da Vinci, from Mother Teresa to Oprah, every person on earth works within the same 24 hour time constraint in each day. This time management course will help you optimize every day, every hour, every minute.
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Travel - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Travel is a necessary part of our lives. We need to take short trips to the grocery store, medium length trips to get to work, and longer trips to visit relatives. It's important that we take these trips in as eco-friendly a manner as possible.
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Vitamins and Nutrients - Low Carb Reference
by Lisa Shea
Science is making discoveries daily. Are fats good for you? Should you take Vitamin C? Is cholesterol good, bad, or both? Here is what you need to know, updated for 2014.
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Water Conservation - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Water is one of this earth’s most precious resources. Our world is one large network of water flow, and we should each do our part to conserve the water and keep it clean!
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