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Juicing / Smoothies Low Carb Recipes

by Lisa Shea
The philosophy of juicing and smoothies is to appreciate those natural flavors that exist all around us. Draw in the bounty of the nutrients and fiber that our world provides for our sustenance.

We know the value of eating fresh, healthy food. We know how wonderful it is to pluck a fresh apple off a tree and to eat it without pesticides, without processing, and without added sugar.

The philosophy of juicing and smoothies is to appreciate those natural flavors that exist all around us. Draw in the bounty of the nutrients and fiber that our world provides for our sustenance.

It’s good both to incorporate natural foods into your daily diet and also to occasionally do a cleanse. A cleanse allows your body to free itself of allergens and toxins and to start fresh. It’s like rebooting your computer to cleanse out any memory issues which may have cropped up.

Version Note:

This is an early release of this smoothie / juicing ebook. It currently has 17 recipes in it. Please email me and let me know your favorite fruits and veggies. I will then create custom recipes using those flavors. I’ll both email them to you and add them to the book.

When the book gets another 10 recipes I’ll release a new version, and so on. As a purchaser of this initial version you’ll automatically get notified from whatever vendor you bought this book from that there’s a new release out. You’ll have eternal access to all subsequent updates of this book. I’ll note that if you buy the paperback version you’ll have access to free new ebooks – I don’t think Lulu or Amazon will mail free new printed copies to you each time :).

So, in any case, do let me know what flavors you like. The library of recipes will grow for us all!

In addition to the recipes, all of my low carb books provide appendices which explain how to successfully manage a low carb diet.

PDF viewer note: The PDF is laid out so you're able to print it into a three ring binder if you wish, with the pages falling properly on double-sided printing. To see that same effect in your PDF viewer, first go into View - Page Display - Two Page view in order to have a two-page view with a left and right page. Then use View - Page Display - Show Cover Page so that the initial cover page shows up first and doesn't impact that two page review.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions! I frequently update all my low carb books based on your recommendations.

Pages: 84
Price: $0.99 US

Buy Juicing / Smoothies Low Carb Recipes from Kindle

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