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BellaOnline Editor Testimonials

BellaOnline has over 300 editors who thrive and grow daily in our community. Here are our currently featured testimonials, from past and present editors!

Neville Sexton - Child Loss Editor
I'm glad to see BellaOnline flourishing away and I'm so proud to be included as one of the alumni. My time as the Child Loss Editor has helped me in ways I cannot begin to describe. It helped me to deal with the loss of my son and in doing so help others out there who've gone through the same thing. But also it got me into the habit of writing. It set me on the path to writing my book - Craig The Boy Who Lives (Gill & Macmillan, 2011) - which I presented to the President, got Gabriel Byrne to endorse, and did several TV and radio interviews for. I also did a TV documentary which was just shown on Australian TV (ABC Compass ) on Easter Sunday and which had a massive response. All this stems from sitting down to write my weekly column with BellaOnline so I'm so thankful.

I think what BellaOnline does is extraordinary and if my story can serve as a small example to others in the BellaOnline family I would be delighted and honoured. It cannot be understated the direct and immediate effect of what being an editor with you guys did for me and the path it set me on.

Lynne Chapman - Christian Living Editor
When I found BellaOnline, I knew alot about my subject but had no one to share my knowledge with except those in my own hometown. As I started writing articles, the loyal visitors to BellaOnline popped over to read and I started to gain a following. Before I knew it, I was an Online Authority on my topic. As the traffic at BellaOnline continues grow, it helps my traffic grow.

I have learned so much about writing, computers, internet and online selling from the other hosts that I recently had enough confidence to start my own website and to sell my own Private Label products. Now I mention my products in some of my articles and advertise them on BellaOnline. I'm beginning to gain traffic on my own site. Because BellaOnline already has the publicity in place and the search engine ranking, my business site is getting traffic that would have taken years to build on my own.

Being a BellaOnline Editor has been a rewarding and exciting experience and is a perfect partnership for my business site.

Stacey Lloyd - Animal Life Editor
My writing career began while I was on maternity leave. I stumbled across a wonderful site accepting editors! Before I knew it, I was the Animal Life Editor! I had so much to learn and thanks to all of the great resources provided by, I was well on my way to learning the ropes of writing for the Web. Little did I know that this was the beginning of my new career in writing.

Within my three month maternity leave, I managed to learn enough to start making a regular income by writing for other websites, too. As a matter of fact, I knew that I would be able to make just enough money to be able to stay home with my son. I proudly returned to my pharmaceutical management job and submitted my resignation! (My colleagues were dumbfounded - and a little jealous.)

My husband and I struggled for the first few months, but by one year after starting my writing career at, I was taking on so many clients that I had to turn clients away! I managed to build a nice portfolio for myself and now I make three times the hourly rate as a writer than I did as a Microbiology Supervisor at a pharmaceutical company! But that’s not the best part. Now I am happy. I work less, make good money and I get to spend time with my family. And, I’m doing what I love - writing!

Jill Florio - Frugal Living Editor
When I joined BellaOnline, web writing was in its infancy. I was already a newspaper journalist, but realized quickly writing for the internet was a very different game. I have been with BellaOnline as it grew, and am so proud to be a part of it. Other websites I wrote for are all about using the visitors (and their writers!) to as fodder for income-producing activities. Bellaonline is about charity and empowerment, and the website owner's single goal is to help her writers achieve their dreams in life. Readers around the world find free help here for many of their life challenges, and as an editor with Frugal Living, I get to spread my experiences to people in need, while earning an income writing for the web - all from home! I have the best commute ever; I am publishing books in my topic area, and I get to help people.

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My Research into the Provenance of a Painting

Teri Brown's Amazing IP Macaroni & Cheese Recipe,

Denim Projects to Sew


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie


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