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BellaOnline Demonstrates We Can All Get Along

Many politicians, parents, teachers, and public leaders lecture about how important it is in our modern society for adults to respect dissenting opinions, to listen to all points of view, and to have an open mind about people who come from different backgrounds or cultures. At BellaOnline, we do not simply endorse this whole heartedly. We also walk the walk. Here, within our BellaOnline network, we have over 400 different sites, many of them diametrically opposed to each other.

We have a Pro Life site and a Pro-Choice site. We have sites for Democrats, Republicans and Independents. We have sites for Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Pagans. We have sites for moms and for married-no-kids. We even have sites for cat lovers and dog lovers. You might chuckle, but sometimes it is the "seemingly innocuous" points of view which spawn the most powerful feelings!

Each site is run by an individual woman who cares strongly for her chosen flock and who tends to them with care. The Irish Culture editor promotes the beauty of the Irish landscape, the musicality of the Irish language, the fierceness of Irish pride to her loyal contingent of Irish loving visitors. Right "next door" in our network is the English Culture editor who cares for her visitors with the same amount of passion and love. Two different people, two different sets of visitors, in one community. It is everything that politicians can dream of - and it is a live, vibrant reality within BellaOnline's systems.

There are times when a visitor - perhaps brought up in a contentious household or in a habit of flaming the fans of white-hot passion - becomes upset with the thought of "those people" being near them. How dare her perusals of the serious Women's Lit site be marred by a glance of knowledge that BellaOnline also has an editor who cares for the Romance Novel lovers! However, after a while that visitor might be drawn in to click - and realize that romance novel readers are humans, like the rest of us, and deserve respect and consideration for their beliefs. More than that - the Women's Lit reader might realize that many Romance Novels ARE written very well, and are worthy of great appreciation!

This is how prejudices are shattered, how minds are opened, and how horizons are broadened. In the end, every topic here deserves respect. Every editor here deserves kudos and appreciation for writing weekly, for free, and providing their time, attention and enthusiasm for their topic audience. We have heard from thousands of visitors that they began their BellaOnline experience with some misconceptions about a topic, and through our efforts they have grown to be more tolerant and understanding. We could ask for no greater praise.

If you ever have any questions about any topic area or content in the BellaOnline network, please do not hesitate to Contact

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