From the Editor

Ethnic Beauty
Articles from April, discussing a broad spectrum of things that are of interest to the ethnic beauty.

10 Tips For Ethnic Beauty Self Care star
Self care for ethnic beauty.

3 Essential Oils To Help Relieve Daily Stress star
Relieving daily stress can be stressful all by itself. So, how do you find help in a little brown bottle. They’re known as essential oils and they have helped lots of you work your way through stressful times. Me included.

5 Tips for Great Looking Ethnic Skin star
Although you know that beauty is only skin deep, how important is your diet and other factors. It's one of the keys to how we look and how well we carry our years.

5 Ways To Add Aromatherapy To Your Life star
You're inundated with aromas on a daily basis, why not choose the ones you like best and make them work in your space. Aromatherapy is the perfect way to make it happen. After all aromatherapy is the act of using aromas as therapy.

A New Year for Ethnic Beauties star
I wanted to post an article about beauty; I'd written things on lipstick and bronzer, but finding myself in the midst of chaos I changed course. Today I'd like to discuss the beauty of choice, our freedom to choose how we will react or respond in any situation...

An Elder Herb - Cannabis star
Cannabis, the green plant that was used to calm your nerves, relax you and oh did I mention, was and still is illegal in some parts … IS B - A - A - C - K! You're finding cannabis in more than just brownies. Are you open to cannabis as an alternative treatment?

Are You Sitting Too Much Ethnic Beauties? star
Let's face it ethnic beauties, we're living in a time where technology has become a huge part of our lives. It causes us to sit too much. Technology isn't a bad thing, it's important to be aware of the potential health risks associated with sitting too much.

Aromatherapy, Can It Help With Self Care Needs? star
Self care is the practice of taking steps to maintain your physical, mental and emotional well-being.When used properly, aromatherapy can be a powerful addition to your self care routine.

Beauty Trends for Ethnic Beauties star
Every year brings with it trends that are sure to peak your interest. This year is no different. Here are three that are really topping the list.

Become a Breast Cancer Warrior star
In becoming a warrior, one must know their enemy. In this case it is breast cancer, and there are tactics that can be used to fight this insidious foe...

Being Your Healthiest You! star
Ethnic Beauties, did you know that by 2030, female life expectancy will break the 90 year barrier. Here are a few tips on how you can become a more healthier and vibrant you.

Can a Pantry Help Build a Natural First Aid Kit? star
Build a natural first aid kit from your food pantry? We all know that the kitchen is the pharmacy of any household. Your pantry can hold the key to natural first aid products.

Can Essential Oils Offer Benefits to Ethnic Skin? star
The world of essential oils is as diverse as the palette of human skin they may grace. Ethnic skin care adds an extra layer of complexity, with unique needs and nuances that essential oils could address – or potentially complicate.

Can Positive Thinking Change Your Life? star
Can positive thinking change your life ethnic beauties? Positive thinking as in having a healthy outlook, being optimistic, seeing the glass half full instead of half empty.

Can You Get Too Much Information on Self Care? star
The new mantra of the day is Self Care. What is self care? Can you get too much information on this topic? Self care is the act of taking an active role in protecting your own overall wellness. The key is finding the right balance between too much information about self care and not enough.

Coconut Oil Benefits star
Let us discuss some of coconut oil's many uses, as well as its benefits for lustrous skin and hair.

Did Your Beauty Regimen Help You Through COVID? star
A year after the onslaught of Covid 19 and we’re just getting our bearings when it comes to skin care and almost anything else.

Do You Enjoy The Foods That Say, Summer? star
Granted we'll see watermelon all year long, but is there anything that says Summer more than a delicious, juicy piece of watermelon? Or how about a big, ripe strawberry dripping with sweetness? These are just a couple of examples of the many foods that say Summer.

Does Beauty Have An Expiration Date? star
Beauty plays such an important role in our lives. Do you ever get to the point of thinking you should stop trying to enhance what you have? Shush that noise!

Essentisl Oils for Beauty & Wellness star
Essential oils for Beauty AND Wellness?! Oh my! A few tips and techniques on using essential oils in your beauty and wellness space.

Ethnic Beauties Aging Gracefully star
We all know that aging/maturing is a part of living, however, it can be done with so much grace and elegance. Learn how essential oils can aid in your beauty needs as you mature.

Ethnic Beauties Maturing Gracefully star
You're maturing and your skin is showing you a few signs of what going on. What's a girl to do? Read about some of the approaches taken by maturing women.

Ethnic Beauty Are You Getting Enough Sleep? star
Did you know that sleeping less than 7 hours a night on a regular basis is associated with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, depression, weight gain and an increased risk of death? Anymore good news!? Here are a few tips to help you beat statistics.

Ethnic Beauty, Are You Tired of Being Tired? star
Chronic and intense levels of stress can lead to exhaustion. Explore ways of releaving stress in your life.

Ethnic Beauty, Toss The Mascara star
Let's face it ethnic beauties, we all feel better and more attractive when we take the time to apply a little mascara and brow pencil before greeting the world.

Ethnic Brides in the Fight Against Breast Cancer star
To find out about an organization that not only aids brides to find the wedding dress of their dreams, but contributes in the fight against breast cancer, please read on...

Extra Space, Do You Have a Built in Get-a-Way? star
Extra Space. I woke up this morning with She Sheds on my mind. I'd dreamed about them off and on the night before. Typically when a dream is recurring, I pay attention. Stay with me.

Finding Gratitude, How To Not Worry And Be Happy! star
Have you ever heard someone complaining so much, you just wanted to tell them to "shut the hell up!" Where's the gratitude?!

Fitness, Menopause and Ethnic Beauties star
Menopause and Fitness. Do these two words go hand in hand ethnic beauty? They can, if you apply the right techniques.

Guide to Essential Oils for Skin and Hair Care star
Description: A guide is always a good thing to have, especially when it comes to keeping your skin and hair looking healthy using essential oils. In this article you'll find suggested essential oils for your beauty needs. Enjoy!

Habits Ethnic Beauties, Do Yours Need Adjusting? star
Habits, we all have them ethnic beauties. But do they serve us well? Even when habits can be the root of what causes a near death experience ... can you change?

Herbal Remedies and the Original People of America star
Herbal remedies have always been a part of our culture. What have you learned from your ancestors about the herbal remedies used when you were small?

How Do We Care For Ethnic Beauty? star
Caring for ethnic beauty can be a bit different than caring for other types of beauty. Why? Because there are often specific products and techniques that work best for certain skin types and hair textures.

How The Fantasy of Color Inspires Ethnic Makeup star
Does the fantasy of color inspire you with your makeup choices Ethnic Beauties? Typically fall and winter would be limited to dark color palettes while spring and summer would be geared more towards lighter and neutral shades. That can be changed.

How To Be Proud of Yourself As An Ethnic Beauty star
According to Google, an ethnic beauty is "a person whose physical features are typically associated with people of a certain race or ethnicity." This term was first used as another way of speaking about Black Women. Let's learn more.

How to Become an Ageless Beauty with Great Skin star
Okay ethnic beauties what's up with your maturing skin? While you can't prevent the inevitable ... aging ...

How to Create a Wellness Retreat star
Are you looking for ways to relax and not necessarily have to leave your house, the city or the country you live in? Here are 8 ways to transform your space into your own personal wellness retreat.

How To Find Relief When You Have Trouble Sleeping star
Do you have trouble sleeping ethnic beauties? Are you tossing and turning most of the night worried about a host of things?

How To Get Fit And Fabulous For The New Year star
The New Year is a time to set goals and make lifestyle changes. With the start of a new year, many people resolve to get fit and healthy by making commitments such as eating healthier, exercising more regularly, or losing weight.

How to Kick Start Your Wellness Ethnic Beautie star
There's no denying that wellness is important for everyone, but it's especially critical for ethnic beauties. We're more likely to suffer from chronic illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.

How To Maintain A Beauty And Wellness Routine star
It's only natural that you'd want to maintain some type of routine for optimum health. That being said, it can be tough to find information specifically tailored to your needs as ethnic beauties.

How To Make the Best of Your Time At Home star
Make the best of your time at home ethnic beauties. We're in the midst of the Coronavirus. It's a global pandemic and that means everyone is at risk.

How to Take Your Life Back to Normal After Covid star
Taking your life back to normal ethnic beauties? More like a New Normal. Pretty soon you'll be thinking of COVID-19 and the Pandemic as something of the past. Or will you?

How To Use Elderberry to Build Your Immune System star
Elderberry, along with a few other choice herbs, have become the herbs of the day during this global pandemic. The key is to build your immune system and keep it healthy enough fight off pathogens.

How to Use Medicinal Plants for Relaxation star
Medicinal plants for relaxation? Are you in need of a get-a-way weekend Ethnic Beauties? A place to relax and shut the world out for at least 48 hours? Yeah, me too.

How to Work Through COVID With a Self Care Routine star
Just when you thought it was safe, so to speak Ethnic Beauties, you hear that numbers are rising again as it pertains to Covid. Don't you wish your bank account would rise as fast as the Covid numbers?

Hypertension and the Ethnic Community star
Let's look at hypertension. What it is exactly, what is associated with it, and what can we do to prevent, or treat this condition that occurs seemingly all too often.

Is Coconut Oil The New Miracle Oil? star
Coconut Oil, Is it the new miracle oil? Let's discuss the health advantages of this oil that also contains many benefits for your skin and hair.

Is Ethnic Beauty All About Attitude? star
Is beauty all about attitude for you as an ethnic beauty? A kind gesture, a warm smile, or a stone face and piss poor attitude. What does your attitude say about you? See what other ways your beauty might be sabotaged.

Is Hygiene Your Key To A Good Healthy Life star
Hygiene for health! As of this writing, the world is faced with a global pandemic, the Corona Virus. The solution for prevention keeps coming back to hygiene.

Is It Possible That Stress Is Changing Your Look? star
Is stress changing your look Ethnic Beauty? The answer could be Yes. Your work environment can be the biggest culprit creating stress in your life. Here's what can happen to you under stressful conditions.

Is It Time To Start a Business Ethnic Beauties? star
Is it time to start a business ethnic beauties? Did you know that work environments can make you sick? Not only will the lighting, colors and absence of windows affect your mood, so will the people working around you. Maybe it's time to do your own thing!

Is It Time To Start Your Own Business? star
Don't like your day job? In a world where job security is uncertain for a lot of people, have you ever thought of starting your own business?

Is One More Article On Stress Relief Worth It? star
Stress relief. Every magazine, internet headline and book quote are all pushing you to another article on the subject.

It's Cold and Flu Season star
It's cold and flu season. Here are a few tips to ward off the invasion of the body snatchers.

It's Time To De-stress star
Is this you Ethnic Beauty? Barely able to breath? Head pounding? A thousand wrinkles across your forehead because you're thinking so hard? It's time to de-stress.

Lavender, Chamomile, Can They Help Relieve Stress? star
We're told to take lemons and make lemonade when life throws us challenges. The use of lavender and chamomile has become increasingly popular for helping to reduce stress, anxiety and other challenges in life.

Lip Balms Chocolate Style star
We all like the idea of having kissable lips. Natural products like those made with Cocoa butter and macadamia nut oil can help you create a lip balm that not only works well in moisturizing, but it can also smell oh-so-good.

Makeup! Does It Make You Feel Pretty? star
Does wearing makeup make you feel more attractive or smarter? What a question. I can't tell you how many times it's been asked of women in survey's. Women, especially the ethnic market, spend large amounts of their income on makeup. Do you?

Mature Ethnic Beauty star
I’ve noticed a lot of articles lately on the “New Face” of Beauty. She’s feisty, fashionable and for her, life begins at 60. Where do you fit into the picture as an ethnic beauty?

Maturing Gracefully! star
Don't let the thought of aging scare you. Just because the numbers are increasing doesn't mean you stop having fun. Maturing gracefully can be done with zest and zeal. Check out a few ways to enjoy your maturing life.

Mind, Body, Herbs - How to Properly Nurture Them star
Mind, body and herbs. They all need to be nurtured in order for you to grow as a person.

Natural Alternatives to Cleaning Your Homes star
You put out energy, effort, time and money to make sure you’ve got the right beauty products for healthy clean looking skin. What about your living environment? Did you know that your cleaning products could be contributing to some of you skin irritations and breakouts?

Neem Oil, No Longer a Secret. star
How many of you are familiar with Neem Oil? I can't say it's been a well kept secret, yet it has been somewhat of a well kept secret. Here are a few of it's uses and benefits.

OMG Ethnic Beauty, It's Menopause! star
What's the ruckus all about? After all it's just a natural life change that occurs when women's ovaries begin to produce less estrogen. Or is it? Read on ...

Proven Natural Remedies for Better Health star
Natural remedies have been proven to better your health over centuries ethnic beauties and things haven't changed. This is a good thing.

Relieving Stress While Blending In The Kitchen star
Blending in the kitchen. What thought does this statement conjure up in your minds? A lot of you would know that blending in the kitchen quite often refers to making beauty products.

Self-Care, A Guide for Ethnic Beauties star
In a world where beauty standards often seem narrow and exclusive, practicing self-care becomes an act of rebellion and self-love. For ethnic beauties, navigating through societal expectations and embracing one's unique features can be both empowering and challenging.

Self-Care, Refresh & Glow for Ethnic Beauties star
The colder months often take a toll on your skin, hair, and overall well-being. This makes Spring an ideal time for you ethnic beauties, to restore balance and glow from the inside out.

Stopping the Stress, CBD to the Rescue star
Stopping the stress, relieving anxiety and just being able to have calm in your life is all quite possible.

Tall, Beautiful and No Basketball star
Tall, beautiful and no basketball. Not every tall woman wants to play basketball. Who are you and what do you want for your tall and fine brown frame? You have options you know.

Treat Yourself Special, Ethnic Beauty star
When's the last time you did something for yourself, Ethnic Beauty? It doesn't have to be grand scale. It can be something as simple as treating yourself to a Matcha Green Tea Latte (with coconut milk) from Starbucks, once a month. Okay, once a week. See what else is possible ...

True Indescribable Beauty star
True beauty is something not easily described or defined. It is comprised of many remarkable things. A few of them are listed here.

Want to Start An Ethnic Beauty Business? Awesome star
An ethnic beauty business? Me? Oh yeah! If you're like most women I talk to, at least half of you want to start some kind of business. Go for it!

Wellness by Design, Ethnic Beauty in Home Decor star
For many, the concept of ethnic beauty extends beyond personal care to the art of creating meaningful and vibrant home environments. By blending health and wellness with home decor, you can design spaces that reflect cultural heritage while promoting harmony and balance.

Wellness Meets Ethnic Beauty in Home Decor star
For many, the concept of ethnic beauty extends beyond personal care to the art of creating meaningful and vibrant home environments. By blending health and wellness with home decor, you can design spaces that reflect cultural heritage while promoting harmony and balance.

What Is Ethnic Beauty and How Do We Care for It? star
What is ethnic beauty? Ethnic beauty is a term often used when describing melanin-rich skin. It's also described as natural beauty that is specific to a certain culture or group of people.

What is Ethnic Beauty? star
What is ethnic beauty? Most people may define beauty as simply what appears on the outside. Let's not get it twisted, you are sized up based on the complexion of your skin. The key becomes, what is ethnic beauty to you? Learn more ...

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