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Overview - Become a BellaOnline Editor

BellaOnline's editors are members of a global community that represents "The Voice of Women on the Web." By joining with the BellaOnline team you will:

* Receive free training on how to become a successful published writer on the web.
* Build a portfolio of content which can then be used anywhere you wish.
* Share your knowledge on a favorite subject with 20 million visitors a month.
* Become established and respected because of your association with BellaOnline.
* Be treated as a member of the press by book publishers, DVD publishers, and other product manufacturers.
* Build a resume from which to write your own book or be published in magazines or newspapers.
* Launch or reinvigorate a career.
* Gain experience with personalized mentoring on how to be successful on the web
* Have FUN!

What does BellaOnline Teach?
BellaOnline's free, step by step classes help our editors learn a variety of skills. These abilities help our editors thrive in any goal they set for themselves, whether it is launching their own website, building a shop, publishing a series of ebooks, or getting signed for a book contract! Our free courses include:

* How copyright and plagiarism work on the web.
* The basics of time management.
* How to market with social networking.
* How to build a healthy forum community.
* How to design effective graphics and ads.
* How to write reviews that attract interest and sales.
* How to run successful marketing promotions on the web.
* How to design an effective online course.
* How to create and market ebooks.

What is BellaOnline?
BellaOnline is a content site, providing easy to understand, personalized information on hundreds of topics. Our editors are trusted by millions of visitors around the world because we are honest and can be believed. We're not paid to write about Product X or Location Y. We write about issues we believe in and products we truly feel are valuable. We're not a press release engine. We are real people with real points of view. We each show our real photos, use our real names, and as a result our visitors make a powerful connection with us because they know they can trust in what we say.

What is a BellaOnline Editor?
Our editors are regular women and men, just like you, who truly love a particular subject. Each editor has her own corner of BellaOnline which she completely controls - writing content, adding links, talking with her visitors. BellaOnline provides all of the tools, training and support for free. We are providing content similar to a full college degree in internet writing, complete with a series of courses, lessons, quizzes, a support forum, and more. We take you step by step through how to write high quality content for the web, how to market, how to create ebooks, how to sign up with affiliate programs, and much, much more.

Our system is very easy to use and guides each editor along the path towards becoming a well respected journalist. The editor provides the enthusiasm, the desire to learn, and the love of the topic.

Who is qualified to be an editor?
Our editors have both knowledge and passion about a subject. Our editors are a diverse network of women and men, from all age groups, all lifestyles, all races, colors, and creeds. Our mission is to represent and speak to women from all over the world and from all walks of life.

Most content sites require their writers to be well known professional writers who already have every skill necessary. BellaOnline is a training system. We have the focus of bringing in women who dream about writing and providing the training, the instructors and the support to help them achieve their goals.

Describe a week in the life of an editor.
Editors write short weekly feature articles which educate and entertain our visitors. Editors often receive free books and products to review at their leisure. Editors maintain bulletin boards and correspond on their subject of interest, answering visitor queries on their topic.

What is BellaOnline's role?
BellaOnline provides a high-traffic forum for your voice where your unique point of view can flourish. We educate you with information, support, encouragement, and all of the resources necessary to help you make your site the best that it can be. BellaOnline is recognized as the second largest women's site in the world. As such you get free books to review, famous people to talk to, and professional credibility. Your work appears at the top of the search engine listing immediately because of our reputation. We work hard to draw traffic in to your site, build great partnerships to promote your work, and provide you with simple tools so that maintaining your site is quick and easy.

Our mission is to promote each of our editor's sites creating a collective whole that is more powerful than one voice. We are not a corporation. This site is owned and run by real women. Our editors are real women who love their topics. Come and join us!

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BellaOnline Editor